Chapter 1 Page # 1-21
Chapter Summary
The story starts with a young narrator name Nick describing his early life of college. Moving to NY for a job working in bonds, and talks briefly about his father. Then he begins to describe the segregation-like divide of New York between the East Egg and West Egg, while including the little information he knows about his rich neighbor, Gatsby. Later in the chapter he goes to his college friend, James Buchanan’s house for a dinner, where he sees his cousin (Daisy), her husband (Tom), and Jordan Baker. Nick feels very awkward and unfit at the dinner. When he finally goes home he sees Gatsby outside his mansion, mysteriously standing in the darkness of the night alone and then he disappears.
Character Analysis: Jordan Baker
Quote: “Don’t talk. I want to hear what happens…You mean to say you don’t know?...I thought everyone knew. (Baker p14-15)
Best Qualities: Miss Baker is a beautiful young mistress, who is a famous athlete that plays in many tournaments (sport so far unknown). Nick thought of Miss Baker as very beautiful young lady. “I liked looking at her. She is a slender, small-breasted girl, who is always standing up straight as if she were a cadet. She carries her chin high and she has a charming, yet discontented, face.” (Nick p11) She seems well brought up into money and stuck up. She is quiet, but has a snotty feel to the way she acts.
Character Role in Novel: She is possibly a future partner for Nick or may lead him into some troubles. I think she may lead Nick into some trouble because of the snotty attitude she has throughout the chapter. For example when Nick came in from the balcony and the door slammed, Miss Baker reacted, “If she saw (Nick) out of the corner of her eyes she gave no hint of it. I was almost surprised into murmuring an apology for having disturbed her by coming in.” (Nick 8) We can see in this passage that Nick likes her, but she seems very tricky and sneaky. Also we see that she is a very gossipy person when alone with Nick at the table, when she says, “Don’t talk. I want to hear what happens.” (Baker 14) This shows that this nosiness might hurt Nick later on in the book.
Meaningful Quote: “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,…just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages you’ve had.”…communicated in a reserved way (Nick’s Father 1)
Significance: This quote stands out to me because it reminds of my dad a lot. He always taught me to keep my mouth shut because you never know the circumstances other people are in, and you have no right to pass judgment on others. Also my dad is a reserved person too like Nick’s father and was always pretty quiet about how he presented himself to others, but he was never shy to give advice.
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